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Sunday, October 12, 2014


Step 1

Create a new document sized 800px * 1135px with white background. Load the wall texture image into Photoshop and select the following portion with the rectangular marquee tool:
1 sel1 550x390 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over to our document. Re-size the texture to fit the width and height of the canvas, reduce the layer opacity to around 70%, and use a big soft eraser to remove the following portion: (this will be add variety and depth for our background)
1 erase 491x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop

Step 2

We will work on the model in this step. Load the model image into Photoshop and cut out the head/neck/shoulder portion of the model, and paste it over to our document.
Re-size this new layer and position it to the centre of the canvas, then use a grunge brush from the Deharme Brushes set we downloaded as an eraser, work on the edge of the model. You will have the following effect:
2 model erase 519x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Add the following adjustment layers as clipping mask to this model layer:
Black and White
2 bw Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Apply the following layer mask on this black and white adjustment layer to reveal the eyes:
2 bw mask 550x154 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and here is the effect:
2 after bw 550x165 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
2 lvs Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
2 curves Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Add some splatter effect around edge as shown below:
2 effect1 491x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and paint some hair with the hair brush you download over the model’s face:
2 paint hair 550x538 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop

Step 3

We will add some abstract patterns into our image. I found this great ice texture image and thought I could do something with it. So let’s select a portion from the image:
3 sel 550x407 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over to our document, place the layer below the original model layer and distort it as shown below:
3 erase rotate 550x296 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Apply the following image adjustments to this layer:
Black and White
3 bw Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
3 lvs Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and here is the effect:
3 after bw rotate 550x403 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
We can duplicate this layer once the reduce its size to a smaller scale, and move it to a lower position to add some variety to this abstract pattern:
3 smaller 550x468 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
We can use the set method to add another one of the left side, as shown below:
3 effect1 550x446 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop

Step 4

We will apply some brush painting effect in this step. Use this brush from the Deharme Brushes we downloaded:
4 glace 550x301 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Paint some abstract pattern around as shown below:
4 paint1 550x330 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Add some particle effect to the top and bottom of the model as shown below, make sure you use a soft eraser to fade the edges to create some depth for the image:
4 paint 2 534x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and here is the effect so far:
4 effect1 550x650 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop

5 erase model 550x374 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop

Step 5

We’re almost done! For final touches, we can flatten the image and duplicate the background layer, apply the following Oil Paint (CS6 only) filter on the duplicated layer:
5 oil paint Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Apply the following layer mask on this duplicate layers to reveal the original layer below:
5 mask 550x671 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Create a new layer mask on top and use a light blue soft brush to paint some blue colour over the face area as shown below, make sure you set the layer opacity to around 30% for this new layer:
5 after oil paint 545x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Let’s add some more colors for the image with the following image adjustment layers:
Selective Color
5 sel white Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
5 sel neu Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
5 vib Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and here is the effect so far:
5 effect1 550x547 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
We can further utilise the ice texture to create an overlay for our image. Go back to the ice texture image and select a piece, copy and paste the selection over to our document as shown below, make sure you place it in an angel like this:
5 paste 513x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
Change the blending mode of this new ice layer to “Hard Light” and reduce its opacity to 60%:
5 hard light 504x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
and this is my final effect: (click to enlarge)
light color photo manip 493x700 Create Unique Photo Effect with Abstract Brushes and Coloring Techniques in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy going through it and find it useful. Drop me a comment below if you have any question.


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